Thursday, April 29, 2010

Video from Frederick's Day of Champions Cleanup Day

Every year, Frederick takes part in the annual Day of Champions, when athletes from Northern State fan out over the region to do service projects. All sorts of things were accomplished in Frederick this year! Some people in our Frederick Forward group say it's their favorite day of the year -- we talk about doing things at our meetings during the rest of the year, and some things are accomplished, albeit slowly, but the Day of Champions is one big day of action!

Here's a little slide show I put together of the day:


Betty said...

Very nice, Heidi! It was great to see how members of the community and NSU students worked together, and it was amazing how many areas of the community were touched in one day!

Heather M. Felsch said...

This is a great PowerPoint about a wonderful day. Nice work, Heidi. I love seeing how a community can work so well together.

Mary Losure said...

All RIGHT! Way to go, people of Frederick!

(Frederickers? Fredericans? Frederickites?)