Thursday, July 24, 2008

JULY 24 UPDATE: They came, they sprayed

A person could notice two different kinds of spray at the farm this evening. The one more evident was the one the dogs encountered -- they apparently found a skunk somewhere, and with no breeze blowing this evening, the yard and our canines truly reek. Ugh. I guess they're going to need another bath -- we just gave them a bath a couple weeks ago, the last time they found a skunk.

On a more positive note, the spray foam insulation is all done in the house! Yay!

It's quite a different effect in the house now, since it's such a light color when I look up.

It took the crew all afternoon to finish, and I felt sorry for them -- there was no way they could open the windows, since there was plastic over them, and I'm sure they were cooking in there. But that's their job -- they must be used to it.

It smells a little in the house now. One of the workers said it will take a few days for the smell to fade. This spray foam doesn't have formaldehyde in it, like some of the first spray foams did, but I'm sure it's still a good idea to let it off-gas for a while before we spend much time in the house.

Dave spent a little time in the garden, then came in for supper and was given a night's reprieve from any more work because of a sudden rainstorm. We got three-tenths of an inch -- we could use more, but we'll take what we can get. So the garden was all wet, and the house was fume-y -- so Dave grabbed a book and chilled out for an evening.

We did go for a walk after the squall passed by. There was thunder to the south, but the north sky was clear.

Sofia and Dave had more stamina than I did for walking down the road; I quit at the power lines, but they walked almost to the corner (a half-mile, one way).

When we got back, there was an eerie pink glow reflecting off the cars and the house, a trick of light from these interesting clouds in the southern sky.

... I guess the consensus on bug spray is don't use it! Hopefully once we get the house sealed up we won't have to worry about it anyway.

1 comment:

PropTart said...

Hey! Dave just told me about your blog yesterday! It's awesome! PS - Let me know if you need a 2009 IKEA catalog sent your way... I happen to have an "in"! :) -Brooke