Monday, August 11, 2008

AUG. 11 UPDATE: Rain

We were soaked today -- it rained off and on from sunup to sunset. By evening, there was 5 inches of rain in the rain gauge, though Dad said an inch had fallen in the past few days and he hadn't emptied it. But 4 inches in a day is plenty enough!

We had leaks to deal with from all that rain. The porch roof on this old farmhouse did not leak after the foam and sealer that was applied last week -- at least we have that to be thankful for, since in previous storms the porch was nearly as wet inside as it was outside.

But the water dripping into the dining room that we thought, in previous rain showers, was just from the window being left open in an upstairs bedroom turned out to be a leak from the roof, somehow leaking through the wall. We're still not sure where all the water was coming from. It made for a mess that Mom was working on mopping up all day. There was apparently another leak in the studio, probably where the two roofs meet, but we couldn't find the source of that leak either -- we just found the puddle of water on the floor, perilously close to all our computer cords.

Dave went and checked the new house -- no leak under the new chimney! That's good news. The addition, which wasn't yet sealed off and has big holes where the front door and south window will go, were soaked. And there was some water around the window that Dave and his dad put in yesterday, but Dave is pretty sure that's just because they hadn't sprayed the foam around the window yet. He thought he'd double check that they installed the window correctly, just in case.

... Erik had something closer to a regular schedule today, and I got a decent nap in in the afternoon. Hooray for naps! They keep me that much closer to sanity.

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