Sunday, August 24, 2008

AUG. 24 UPDATE: More pics

Well, my sister tells me you all need more pictures. So today's entry is just a variety of views of the house, to keep my sister happy!

Our lovely abode! Note the newly painted trim. Dave got quite a bit of that done today.

Here's the addition, with the new window on the east wall.

A view of that new window from the inside. I think placing it a bit off-center was a good idea -- it makes a nice sight line as you step in the front door.

The east second-floor window. I don't think I'd put in a photo of that yet.

Here's the view out from that window.

And here's the view from the direction of the farmhouse's kitchen window, which is where I'm forever peeking out to see the progress on the house. I like this view -- I like the way the three skylights balance with the three east windows.

And here's a baby photo. Erik had a very good afternoon! None of the fussiness he had yesterday. He spent some time just kicking around under his infant gym, listening to music.

And, of course, when Erik has a good afternoon, we all have a fine afternoon!

He's showing off his right hook in this one. Stronger and bigger by the day!

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