Thursday, August 7, 2008

Guest blog--skylights

Mostly I am here to help with the new baby, but today I painted the trim on the skylights. Compared with the baby and toddler uproar in the old house, it was very peaceful and calm, just painting away all by myself in the empty loft. Every now and then a barn swallow flew by a few feet from the skylights.

When I came back with paint on my arms, Sofi asked me what I'd been doing. Painting in the new house, I said.

After dinner we went outside to pick berries and Sofi stopped, puzzled. "The house isn't painted!" she said.

So we went upstairs and I showed her all my hours of work--the frames around three skylights.
She was matter of fact about it. Nothing surprises her-- I could spend all afternoon and the result could be that the entire house would be a different color--or it could be just three little frames. Both are equally plausible. I like seeing how her mind works, how differently she thinks than we do.

But sometimes I think, we all have unrealistic expectations. Ours are just slightly more reality-based than hers are. Or so we hope.

My expectation is that Dave and Heidi will be in their new house by this winter. To me, it seems plausible!

-- Mary

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